Welcome to Keytiles!

an ethical decision support tool
backed by real time web analytics data.

Say GOODBYE to complicated interfaces
and HELLO to easier decision making!

What really makes Keytiles different…

… compared to similar tools is that for Keytiles your content is not just a flat list of URLs. But Keytiles is tracking your content structure too!

This enables our TileView to go with the Treemap visualization which is simply as is much better and faster understandable by humans - compared to endless list of URLs.

Watch the below video so you can have a good guess about how it works and why it is loved by website content editors!
(click will take you to YouTube)


or go to: https://youtu.be/r8bR32ZtPYc

No sampling! Long history!

We measure every single action which is generated by your visitors. So you can make your decisions based on high data quality!

We store your tracking data for

  • 3 days* - at minutely resolution level
  • 1 month* - at hourly resolution level and
  • 6 months* - at daily resolution level,

which you can access any point in time! 

* by default - setting can be discussed/changed


Segregated tracking

Keytiles splits the collected metrics based on the data sources they came from.

Which means you can see and query Desktop browser, Mobile browser - or if you integrate your own sources like your iOS/Android App traffic too then those as well - activity separately.

And a small bonus: we do recognize Bots as well - bot visits are collected as a separate data source!

Keytiles supported flows and features

Based on the structured metrics we collect Keytiles can provide you with

  • The TileView – a perfect real time decision support tool
  • Usual basic dashboards with graphs / lists based overview – suitable for mostly strategical planning / post analysis

  • Custom event tracking - very powerful solution to support micro conversions
  • Campaign tracking
  • Scheduled customizable reports - so by the time you go into meeting you have up-to-date data

And more is coming like

  • Support of User Needs Model (for Newsrooms)
  • Visitor flow analysis - over your internal content *
  • Support of "A-B testing" efforts
  • Improved "time spent" metrics - by adding possibility for "page pings"
    see: more details here

Stay tuned, check our News area!

Keytiles is following “API first” approach …

... which means even our own UIs are using the same API endpoints which you can as well if you wish to integrate with Keytiles.

Gain extra value by connecting your apps / server side logic with the data Keytiles knows regarding your traffic!

We have

Hit Collection API

write api

Send in traffic from your native apps/readers or even servers. Assign traffic-sources so you can see stats segregated.


Query API


Query the real time metrics of your content and use them on your server side logic – any ways you can imagine!


Management API

management api

Even integrate Keytiles user accounts with your internal user system - if you wish. Get Container reports or modify settings.


 You find everything at one place on our Keytiles APIs page

Pricing, subscription plans

We are not providing our subscription plans based on features … No no no!

Every subscription plan has every feature enabled! The only thing matters is: how much resources of our servers you use!

Adjust the below slider according to your needs - and check the price!

Small traffic sites
Max hits:1.000 per day
Monthly estimate: ~30.000 hits
Monthly price: 2 EUR
+19% VAT*

The support includes extra service from our side helping you to get the max out from Keytiles. E.g. we keep an eye on your website tracking errors/warnings and notify you in case of big problems - personalizing our alert for your website content for better understanding. You can also ask questions and help regarding how to implement this or that on your site, etc. 

* for VAT calculation we apply rules effective in the European Union.
In a nutshell this means that if you are a) a private person or b) a legal entity outside EU then the displayed tax amount applies to you. Otherwise we do not apply VAT in your bills and your local country VAT rules apply to your legal entity.

Sounds good / interesting so far?

Then try this out!

We provide 30 days free trial and you can establish your tracking within a few minutes by yourself!
... at least if you have a way to add our Tracking Script to your website immediately

Just follow steps in our Getting started article and you can start exploring Keytiles!

GDPR and Data Handling policy

We are in Germany, Europe – so we do know GDPR pretty well and we take it very seriously!

To cut the long story short - Keytiles is fully GDPR compliant!

  • We do NOT collect / store any sensitive information regarding tracking your site traffic
    not even temporarily...
  • We dot NOT share any data / information with any other parties
    We don't need that! Our business is built around fair subscription fees...
  • We do NOT connect tracking data of different websites - it is a no go
  • We do use <=1 (!) Cookie only  - even this 1 is only to reach 100% accuracy...
    we still remain close to 100% if we use 0 Cookies
  • We do anonymize data - like IP Addresses

You find much more detailed information in our GDPR & Privacy policy section.