Mailing lists

We provide mailing lists you can subscribe to (or unsubscribe from - of course) to support better information exchange of Keytiles users.

Content of this page

Available mailing lists

Name E-mail address Description
User alerts

On this mailing list we - developers and maintainers of Keytiles - share updates about potential problems and outages. Hopefully this channel will remain completely silent as Keytiles is very stable but you never know...

Subscribing for this mailing list is highly recommended for every users! Therefore every new accounts are auto-subscribed upon registration.

User updates

On this mailing list we - developers and maintainers of Keytiles - inform users of Keytiles about new features and share important / useful information.

Subscribing for this mailing list is highly recommended for every users! Therefore every new accounts are auto-subscribed upon registration.

Users list

Goal of this mailing list is that Users of Keytiles can exchange knowledge or ask questions from each other and from us - developers of Keytiles.

There is no auto-subscription on this list upon registration.


Just simply send an e-mail from your e-mail address you want to subscribe with to the e-mail address of the list - with subject "subscribe".

This is it. You can leave the email body empty as it is irrelevant what you write there. After sending the mail shortly you will receive an e-mail to your mailbox from our mailing-list service asking you to confirm your intention. Instructions are written in this mail just follow them!


Just simply send an e-mail from the e-mail address you are subscribed with to the e-mail address of the list - with subject "unsubscribe".

This is it. You can leave the email body empty as it is irrelevant what you write there. After sending the mail shortly you will receive an e-mail to your mailbox from our mailing-list service asking you to confirm your intention. Instructions are written in this mail just follow them!

Using the mailing list

After you subscribed you are eligible to write to the mailing list. Simply send an e-mail to the e-mail address of the list - that's it. Then your e-mail will be delivered to all subscribers shortly - including yourself. So you will clearly have some feedback that our mailing-list service received your mail and distributed it.

If anything is wrong with the e-mail you sent you will get it back from the mailing-list service shortly - describing the problem we had with your e-mail.

Privacy / Data handling policy

Don't worry your private data is safe with us!

  • We are never selling / sharing your private data to anyone - it is a very strict policy of ours. This is also true for our mailing lists.
  • The mailing-list service is something we developed ourselves and we run it by ourselves.
    It is not implemented on top of some "cloud based provided service" of a 3rd party. So we have full control here.
  • We designed the mailing-list service the way it is not exposing your private e-mail address you subscribed with to anyone - not even to list members!
    Nobody will see it. All distributed e-mails will come from the mailing list e-mail address as "from/sender" and not yours.

Be cautious though what you write into the email because that part we can not protect!

For example if you add a detailed signature - containing your e-mail address or even phone number - it will be distributed as you wrote it! This part is your responsibility!