Checking and Troubleshooting the tracking

After you have added Keytiles tracking to your website it is crucial to maximize data quality Keytiles collects.

In this page you can find - hopefully - useful material about how to do that.

Content of this page


Website Tools - our "inline", overlay tool

This tool is running within your website - as soon as you installed our tracking script.

You can open it up and just browse the content of your own website. The tool helps you to monitor what Events are sent in into Keytiles. You find more details here!

You should do time by time...

Checking "hit faults"

Hit collection sends in Events into Keytiles as your visitors are interacting with your content. If Keytiles runs into issues during processing the incoming Events then it is generating "faults" which you can check later and fix these problems to increase data quality.

You should regularly check these and act if the list is not empty. How? You find more details here!