Support for User Needs Model in TileView - for Newsrooms

published: 2024-08-12

The concept of implementing "User Needs Model" gained popularity in Newsrooms recently. More and more of our customers switching to this concept. And this brought the requirement for us to do something so they can track the performance of different categories in real time efficiently.

Now we are happy to announce that we partnered with a few of our big Newsroom customers and started to work out the details together! This approach ensures that at the end customers will get something from Keytiles which is really helpful for Editors / Editor-In-Chiefs to make relevant decisions during the day.

As of now this is a work in progress so better not to publish too much details too early. :-) But it will come soon!

For us @Keytiles the biggest challenge here is: how can we build support for this for Newsrooms given the fact Newsrooms are just one type of customers for Keytiles. Other type of customers - webshops for example - do not even understand what "User Needs Model" is as they don't need it at all... So can we do something in a bit more "generic" way in Keytiles which solves the requirement of Newsrooms still can be useful for other customers??

Let's see! But @Keytiles we have this obsession to keep the system clear and intuitive. And this means let's do NOT blow up with Settings too much...